CarDS Lab at ACC ’22
We are excited about the science being presented by our team at ACC Scientific Sessions.
Catch CarDS Lab researchers presenting their work at these times:
National Patterns of Eligibility for And Utilization of FDA-Approved Weight-Loss Agents Among US Adults, 2015-2018
Patrick Christopher Demkowicz, Arash A. Nargesi, Rohan Khera
Apr. 2, 2022, 12:30 PM - 12:40 PM
U.S. Patterns of Drug Utilization And Prescription Fills For Proven Cardioprotective Anti-Hyperglycemic Agents
Arash Aghajani Nargesi, Callahan Clark, Mengni Liu, Lian Chen, Abraham Reddy, Samuel Amodeo, Evangelos K. Oikonomou, Marc Suchard, Kasia Lipska, Darren K. McGuire, Zhenqiu Lin, Silvio E. Inzucchi, Harlan M. Krumholz, Rohan Khera
Apr. 2, 2022, 1:00 PM - 1:10 PM
Personalizing The Therapeutic Benefit from Spironolactone In Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction Through Computational Phenomaps Of The TOPCAT Trial And Machine Learning
Evangelos K. Oikonomou, Marc Suchard, Rohan Khera
Apr. 3, 2022, 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM
Identification Of Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction From Hospitalization Discharge Summaries Using Natural Language Processing
Astrid Hengartner, Benjamin Rosand, Philip Adejumo, Lian Chen, Arash A. Nargesi, Rohan Khera
Apr. 3, 2022, 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM
National Patterns of Eligibility And Use Of Novel Lipid-Lowering Therapies In The United States
Miles Shen, Arash Aghajani Nargesi, Khurram Nasir, Rohan Khera
Apr. 3, 2022, 11:45 AM - 11:55 AM