
Exploring patterns of wearable device use in our communities


To assess the long term use of smartwatches in the community

Our Question

How can smartwatches help monitor health?

Why focus on wearable devices?

About one in three adults in the United States use a smartwatch or fitness tracker

This unique user base includes healthy individuals and individuals with established cardiovascular and other chronic diseases, who can benefit from the information collected with these high-quality multimodal sensors.

These devices collect different health information:

Sleep Patterns

Heart Rate and Electrocardiograms (ECG’s)


And More

In order to understand how wearable devices can improve health care we need to first assess how people are currently using them.

This is where PRECARDIA comes in!

The Community Impact

As digital health continues to grow, there is an unmet need to characterize the patterns of wearable use in our community and examine the association of information captured on smartwatches with health metrics. 

Do you use an Apple Watch or FitBit device?

Are you interested in contributing to cutting-edge research while going about your daily life? Enroll in the Precardia Study today!

  1. Read and sign the electronic consent form

  2. Download the CarDS Plus app

  3. Get an email with CarDS Plus app log-in credentials

  4. Connect your Apple Watch or FitBit device