The ID-SHD Study

Artificial Intelligence-Driven Evaluation of Structural Heart Diseases Using Wearable Electrocardiogram

Echocardiography is the gold standard for diagnosing structural heart diseases. This technique uses ultrasound waves to look at the heart and assess its function. However, echocardiograms can be resource-intensive, requiring specialized equipment and training.

How can we facilitate the screening for heart diseases?

Wearable devices like smartwatches and portable ECGs are becoming recognized as potential tools to improve the detection of structural heart diseases and offer an accessible and scalable solution for screening.

Our goal: To validate our AI-ECG algorithm in a real-world setting

Our Study Methods

1) Patients undergoing routine echocardiograms are invited to participate

2) Eligibility is confirmed

3) Patients are consented

4) Patient demographics are recorded

5) Apple Watch and Kardia Mobile ECG’s are performed

6) The de-identified ECG is sent to the CarDSPlus app to be analyzed by our AI-ECG model

7) AI-ECG results are linked to echocardiogram results to assess the performance of the AI-ECG algorithm

Community and Global Impact

By validating an AI-ECG algorithm that detects many forms of structural heart diseases from ECGs obtained from smartwatches and portable devices, we present a reliable and cost-effective strategy for scalable community-based screening of SHDs.

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